If you are renewing your membership, please verify that you are logged into ShulCloud by looking at the top right corner of this webpage. If you see Welcome [Name], you are logged in and can proceed.
If you see LOG IN click here to log in. .
2024-2025 Pledge Commitment
Everyone who wants to belong to Scarsdale Synagogue is welcome. We ask that you support us at the Sustaining Member level or more (detailed below). You are making a pledge to Scarsdale Synagogue for July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
Manhigut (Leadership) Pledge $7500 or more
Chazeik (Strengthen) Pledge $5400-$7500
Sustaining Level $4500 family ($2100 for individuals)
The safety and security of our members and guests is our highest priority. In order to supplement our security costs, we continue to ask every member to pay a Security Fee of $500 in addition to their membership pledge
Of course, every congregant who makes a sincere pledge at any level is – and will continue to be – a valued member of Scarsdale Synagogue.
NOTE: You MUST make a selection under "My family's pledge for 2024-25" for any payment information to show. This is a responsive form where fields will populate based on your responses.
If you prefer to download and mail a paper version, you can do so.