Welcome to Scarsdale Synagogue's Religious School!
2024 - 2025 Jewish Education Plan
(NOTE: you must be logged into your account to register. If you are not a member yet and are interested in registering for our program, please send us an email.)
Mission Statement
Scarsdale Synagogue Religious School seeks to create a safe and flexible learning environment where students can explore and experience the joys of Jewish living while building friendships and a sense of belonging.
Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El is a warm, inclusive community, and we strive to ensure that our synagogue’s actions consistently reflect our guiding principles. Our Religious School is designed to be aligned with Jewish values, and infused with creative and relevant content in a safe and flexible environment. Children and parents will be able to learn about Judaism, celebrate their Jewish lives, and form and maintain meaningful relationships. We are committed to building a Religious School that is flexible and innovative, always in the service of fostering an ever more caring community.
Our Education Plan
Sunday Learning as a Whole School Community
Pre-K - Grade 7
Students will be in person, at the synagogue on Sundays from 9:00 a.m -11:00 a.m. A typical day will begin with appropriate grade-level and hands-on learning and community building through prayer literacy and social action.
Pre - K
Our earliest learners meet once a month on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Together, they explore "My Jewish Year" through storytelling, arts and crafts, movement and dance and music. Students are also introduced to G'milut Chasadim (Acts of Loving Kindness) through exploring our relationship to the Earth, animals, and our family and friends.
This FREE class is a friendly, fun, and warm introduction to our Religious School experience and to learning about the beauty and wisdom of Jewish traditions. One does not need to be a member of Scarsdale Synagogue to participate in our monthly Pre-K program.
Kindergarten** - 6th Grade
Topics for all Grades K - Grade 6 will include holidays, the synagogue, ritual, life cycles, prayer, world Jewry and history. Students will also learn with various rotating specialists in art, music, Israel education, Israeli dancing and special guests including our wonderful clergy.
**Please note that if your child is a recent Mazel Tots graduate, we will waive the Religious School fee for Kindergarten. However, synagogue membership is required to be part of our Religious School for all children from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Hebrew Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
In grades K - 3, children will learn Hebrew words through an innovative Hebrew Through Movement curriculum on Sundays.
Hebrew 4th-7th Grade
Our 4th - 7th grade Hebrew classes meet on Zoom during the week. Scroll down to view information about grades 4-7.
7th Grade Holocaust/Israel Curriculum
7th Graders will explore topics such as the history of Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, immigration, and the birth of the nation of Israel.
B.Mitzvah program for our 6th and 7th grade families
In addition to individual B.Mitzvah tutoring, we are excited to continue our B.Mitzvah program for our 6th and 7th grade families with the clergy through an organization called Moving Traditions. Four programs will be offered throughout the year for each of these grades, in addition to two family sessions.
At 10:30 a.m., all grades will attend Kehillah in two separate age-appropriate groups. The focus of Kehillah will be prayer literacy. We will examine various prayers such as the Shema and the Barechu. We will explore these prayers through various creative methodologies, including art, drama, stories and music.
Weekday Hebrew Learning for Grades 4 - 7
Teachers will meet with small groups for individualized Hebrew learning on Mondays and Wednesdays on Zoom. Sessions will be 30 minutes per week between 3:30 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
Family Opportunities
We will have several opportunities for families to come together for special Shabbat evening services and holiday celebrations during the year.
Confirmation Class for Grade 10
Our Confirmation program is taught primarily by Rabbi Brown and addresses the question, "What does it mean to live a progressive Jewish life in the 21st century?" This class offers tools for personal choices that make Judaism meaningful and relevant in a teenager's daily life. Themes explored include God, Jewish Ethics, Anti-Semitism and Israel.
L’taken Social Justice Trip
All confirmands will have an opportunity to take a trip to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington D.C. to engage in a program called L’Taken. L'Taken is a transformational 4-day weekend focused on Jewish values, Tikkun Olam (healing the world), and public policy. The program exposes high school students to various public policy issues, guides them to explore the Jewish values surrounding these issues, and teaches them the skills to be effective social justice advocates. The weekend culminates with meetings on Capitol Hill. Your teens will have the opportunity to speak truth to power as they share their views on social justice topics with leaders on Capitol Hill. While exploring Washington, D.C., teens build and strengthen their congregational community and experience their individual capacity to create change.
If there are enough applicants interested in this program, our 10th Graders will travel with one of our clergy or teachers (by train or by bus) to D.C. on Friday morning and return to Westchester on Monday evening.
Madrichim Leadership Training Program**
Students who have completed B.Mitzvah are invited to participate in this special program. Madrichim (teen aides) will help our teachers in Sunday classes from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. From 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Madrichim will attend a leadership program led by members of the senior staff. Madrichim will also have a safe space for self-care and wellness discussions and learn coping strategies with trained professionals. High schoolers from Grades 8 - 12 can apply for this program. Grade 8 students will be Madrichim In Training and students from Grade 9 will be paid for their work hours. If your child is interested in the Madrichim program, please register them below.
*Please note that Madrichim will meet for an extra 15 minutes after Religious School every Sunday (10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m).
Sunday Sample Schedule
* Pre-K meets once a month
**Please note: 10 Grade Madrichim who are also in the Confirmation class will attend class with Rabbi Brown from 10:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m.