RELIGIOUS SCHOOL & Madrichim program
2024-2025 Registration Forms
Synagogue membership is required for our Religious School.
Exception: Our Pre-K program is open to non-members as well. However, if the non-member Pre-K child has an older sibling in our Religious School, you will need to be a member of our synagogue to join our Religious School.
If your child is a recent Mazel Tots graduate, we will waive the Religious School fee for Kindergarten. However, synagogue membership is required to be part of our Religious School for all children from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Learn more about how you can become a member.
Pre-K through Grade 7 for Members (NOTE: Pre-K program meets monthly)
Kindergarten for Mazel Tots Graduates
Madrichim Leadership Program for Members in Grades 8-12 (includes the option to select Confirmation Class for 10th Graders)
Please note, high school Madrichim (teen aides) will be paid from Grade 9 onwards. There is a small moderate fee that covers special programming, planning, staff, and supervision.
All family learning and parent programming are included with your child’s registration at no extra charge.
If you have any questions about the fees for this year, please contact Executive Director, Fawn Mendel.
Grade 1 - $1,185
Grade 2 - $1,185
Grade 3 - $1,185
Grade 4 - $1,640
Grade 5 - $1,640
Grade 6 - $1,640
Grade 7 - $1,640
Grade 8 - $565 Madrichim In Training program
Grade 9 - $565 Madrichim program
Grade 10 - $565 Madrichim program
Grade 10 - $720 Confirmation ONLY
Grade 10 - $1,030 for Confirmation and Madrichim program
Grade 11 - $565 Madrichim program
Grade 12 - $565 Madrichim program
*Synagogue membership is required.