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Purim Carnival, Purim Spiel & Megillah Reading

Past Sessions
Sunday, March 24, 2024 14 Adar II 5784 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturday, March 23, 2024 13 Adar II 5784 - 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

"Shushan State of Mind" Featuring the Music of Billy Joel

6:30 PM Pizza Dinner. RSVP by scrolling to the bottom of the page

7 PM Purim Spiel.  

Immediately following the Spiel: Join Rabbi Brown for festive beverages at Chat in Scarsdale Village. Adults only.  
Please email Rabbi Brown to let him know you'll be joining the group to Chat.

NOTE: Everyone pays their own way at Chat.

Please let Cantor Becker know by end of day Monday, February 12

Sing us a song in... Shushan State of Mind: A Billy Joel Purim Spiel

If you would be willing to sing a solo (with all the help you need/like!) or just want to be part of the production, please email Cantor Becker by end of day Monday, February 12. We'll have two group rehearsals and you'll receive all the recordings and background you need for the performance.

10:15am at Scarsdale Synagogue
AND THEN... Our Purim Carnival following Religious School from 11am-12pm

Mishloach Manot Fundraiser

Order by Monday, March 18 at 11:59 PM

Click on this link to purchase your gift bags. 

Included in the bags will be nut free snacks.  For the specific list of what will be in the bag, please email Jacqui Kaplan at

Mishloach Manot bags can be picked up at Scarsdale Synagogue between Wednesday, March 20 and Wednesday, March 27

Here's how it works:

For just $10 per recipient, you can purchase a beautiful gift bag for friends, family & members of our community or you can send to ALL members and staff for $360. You can also purchaSe a bag or two to The Children's Village, The Jewish Home - Sarah Newman or to a non-member.   Each recipient will receive one gift package, along with a card listing your name along with others who may also have sent to that same person.  

You also have the opportunity to reciprocate.  If you select this option, you will automatically send a bag to anyone who selected your name, should you not have selected them previously. Reciprocals will be capped at $360.  

What you need to do to participate:  

Click on this link to purchase bags for all your friends and family!


Why do Jews sent Mishloach Manot?  

More on the history behind this custom.

Sorry, Registration has ended.

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784